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Saturday, November 3, 2012

Gun X Sword

Click here to watch the Anime

26 episodes


In a world similar to the wild west, a lazy swordsman roams the land searching for the mysterious claw man. The swordsman is Van and his goal is to avenge his bride death at the hand  of the claw man. Along the way he finds new people and some even join him to achieve their own goals. Bandits villains may try to block the path but when things get rough Van summons is giant robot to clear the way. Will he achieve his goal?

Mechs lots of fights and action is one way to describe Gun x Sword. Fun and dynamic this show is sure to glue the viewer to the screen. It has it´s flaws, the story is nothing over the top and there are some cheesy moments but nevertheless it´s a great anime with a great main character. Watch it and you won´t regret it.


Great Battles and Action
Memorable main character
Good Soundtrack
Good Animation


The story is a bit meh
Some cheesy moments

8GG out of 10


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Author: admin

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