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Saturday, November 3, 2012

The Law of Ueki

Click here to watch the Anime

51 episodes

Ueki is a normal student until the day he is picked by a God Candidate, his favorite teacher, to fight in a competition to choose the next god. Granted with the ability to turn garbage in to trees, he fights for his teacher against other kids with different abilities. Along the way he shall meet friends and rivals all to get a step closer to his goal.

Its one of those anime where one gets hooked without knowing. Typical guy goes on quest keeps facing ordeals and getting stronger as he clears them. Good and entertaining, a good anime for those who don´t want anything serious but still want lots of fights and action.  A great show ready to please the viewer. 


Lots of Action
Nice Story


A bit childish

8GG out of 10


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Author: admin

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