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Sunday, October 21, 2012

Death Note

Click here to see the Anime

37 Episodes

The story is about Yagami Light a student that finds a death note. If you write the name of someone on the death note and you have the face of that person in your mind that person will die after some time depending on what you write. With the death note in hand he takes the fake name Kira and tries to change the world by punishing all criminals with death. After a while a detective named L is hired to find out who Kira is. The series develops as the intense fight between L and Kira goes on.

This is basically one of the best anime ever created, its intelligent and highly addictive. I know people that don´t like anime but even those loved death note. A masterpiece in all levels that everyone should see.

Great storyline
Very good animation style
Great characters
Great soundtrack

Tell me if you find any

10GG out 10


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Author: admin

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