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Saturday, October 20, 2012

Great Teacher Onizuka

Click here to see the Anime

43 Episodes

Onizuka is an ex-biker and gang leader delinquent who has one goal, to become the greatest teacher. 
At the begging everyone simply hates him  and try to make him give up (both co workers and student) but as time goes on, all sorts of crazy situations occur and by working out all those crazy situation with even crazier methods he slowly gains the respect of his students.
Will Onizuka be the greatest teacher? Well you just have to see.

Overall a great anime with lots of funny moments that are sure to make the viewer laugh. Bu not all is comedy since this anime has it´s share of action and drama.
A must see.

Well designed situations and Characters
Cool Soundtrack

The animation is a bit old
Some drama moments tend to get cheesy

9GG out of 10 


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Author: admin

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