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Sunday, October 21, 2012

Yakitate!! Japan

Click here to watch the Anime

69 episodes

 The story is about a boy named Kazuma Azuma, his goal in life his to make “Ja-pan” a national bread for Japan, when he was small he discovered his love for bread, and at the same time  he found out he has solar hands (his hands are naturally warm and help when making bread). During several years he practices making bread until the day he is 16 years old. He them leaves his town for the famous bread store Pantasia. There he meets new friends and new rivals while trying to improve his skills. The story expands with the accomplishments of himself and his friends, always in a goofy way.

Its a simple and silly anime that is a lot of fun. It also gives the viewer some good explanations about the world of bread. Its not one of the best anime but it is an entertaining one that is for sure. I recommend it.
All ages
Makes you want to eat bread
Funny characters

Main character always wins (he should lose sometimes)
Goofy storyline
The bad guys get unreal at some points
A bit childish

7GG out 10


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Author: admin

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